International Hospitality & Tourism Management
Bac +3 (Diplôme Universitaire britannique)
Responsable du Développement Commercial France et International
Cette certification, enregistrée au Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP) sous le RNCP N°35150, est un titre à finalité professionnelle « Responsable du Développement Commercial France et International », de niveau 6, code NSF 312p, enregistré au RNCP par décision de France Compétences en date du 16 décembre 2020 et jusqu’au 16 décembre 2025, délivré par CENTRE DE TECHNIQUES INTERNATIONLES (CTI)

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- Bachelor with Honours aims at a high level of professional integration, at bac +3
- British University Diploma (120 ECTS) awarded by Coventry University (in the top 15 out of 121 UK universities)
- Level 6 certification
- The IHTM BA Hons programme is taught entirely in English in the certifed site of « Coventry University / Côte d’Azur France » : Institut Supérieur du Tourisme de Cannes
- Since 2012, Coventry University has moved to France to deploy new higher education campuses across the country
- Double graduation as part of a work-study programme
Bachelor with Honours
Awarded by Coventry University in London
Entry requirement
- L2 or equivalent
- English level : TOEIC 650
An academic programme of 2 semesters
Focused on strategic management pratctices and concepts. You will also have the opportunity of conducting a research project and gaining experience through a work study training.
All seven modules are mandatory.
You will receive up to 25 hours of formal teaching in a typical week of study. These study hours may be made up of a combination of face-to-face teaching, individual and group sessions. You will also be expected to spend a significant amount of time conducting independent study.
Job ready
This course aims to :
- Provide you with the opportunity to develop industry-specific skills.
- Develop your « softer » skills – such as self-reliance; interpersonal, leadership and communication skills; logical approaches to work, creative problem-solving; and business acumen. These are highly transferable across all industries and would be useful if you decide to branch out into other sectors upon graduation.
- Give you opportunities for study visits to leading businesses, events and exhibitions in Frnce and overseas.
Training Options
This course is offered either as an initial or in work-study (apprentissage).
The advantages of a work-study training :
- Have a double graduation
- Be able to finance your studies through your host company
- Be paid during your training
- Combine theory and practice in a company
- Acquire skills before joining a company
- Be more competitive in the job market
Modules include
Terms 1
(30 ECTS)
Business skills
The aim of this module is to ensure students have a clear understanding of the requirements of the final year of undergraduate study and provides them with a range of skills that will enable them to navigate their programme of study with the greatest chance of success.
Business Research Methods
This module gives students some methods and a methodology for undertaking a piece of research in the business of management fields.
International Business Strategy
This module aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to interpret and develop business strategy. You use this skills to assist an organization in creating and capturing value.Through this process, you develop an understanding of the impact of contemporary issues on the development and implementation of international strategy.
International Marketing Strategy
Students are introduced to the various aspects for international marketing with the principal objective of developing the skills to identify, analyse and solve problems encountered in the development of international marketing strategy.
Terms 2
(30 ECTS)
Work-based Project
We encourage all students to apply for workplace projects which are relevant to their studies and if possible, match their career aspirations.
International Hospitality
Operations management
Providing students with an understanding of the skills, techniques, technology and management issues involved in hospitality operations.
International Tourism
Destination Management
Students will develop an understanding of the complex range of business and management strategies fcvor tourism businesses. Students will develop a critical awareness of the need for a holistic approach to tourism destinations and its complexities, whilst making extensive use of international case studies.
International experience
Many aspects of your opportunity to learn on this course are intended to be internationalized. You will explore case studies from around the world, and your lecturers may share experiences of their work or research in other countries. There may be optional overseas field trips with visits to different types of events, businesses, and institutions.
You are also encouraged to become autonomous learners whereby you should be developing and practicing your knowledge and skills in management.
Where our graduates work
When you graduate, you could choose a career pathway in tourism or hospitality, or work for a large organisation which spans both.
You might join an independent hotel or a chain (either in France or overseas), on a graduate programme or in a permanent named role. You could work for a tour operator, a travel agency, an airline or a cruise company, or work in incentive or corporate travel. Roles will also be open to you in publishing, journalism, IT or consultancy, for exemple, where they relate to hospitality and tourism.
Alternatively, you will have a wide range of skills which will appeal to employers in other industries, so you would be free to branch out beyond hospitality and tourism.
Assessments and accreditation
A group work and a personal work allow the validation of each module.
Upon sucessful completion of selected modules you will be awarded level 6 : Bachelor of Arts with Honours – International Hospitality and Tourism Management.
The course has been designed to have a strong practical element so that, upon successful completion, you should graduate as an experienced, work-ready individual with great employer appeal.